Friday, June 7, 2013

What Would Students Do If They Won $1 Million?

What Would Students Do If They Won $1 Million?
Ethan Gresko

            Keep it for yourself? Donate it? Share it with your friends and family? Do you get it from the lottery or receive it in a briefcase on your front door? One million dollars is a lot of money and it is a big question what to do with it if they received it.
            Many have dreams they want to fulfill, and the money is a good way to fulfill those dreams. Nathan Pembrook, a sophomore creative writer, said, “I would buy a sports complex, lots of great sports equipment so I could play more sports, and buy some treats for my dog.” Nathan picked those things because of his interest in sports and his want to improve his skills. “Well, I like sports. And I like my dog.” Clearly, Nate would like the money for selfish needs; things that would improve his life.
            However, others are more cautious about the money. Nikki Ehmann, who is also a sophomore creative writer, was asked the same question. “I would put most of it into savings, donate some of it, and go on a shopping spree.” She was then asked why she chose the things she did. “With that much money, I wouldn’t want to keep it all to myself, other people deserve it too. However it would be good to keep some of it as a ‘safety net’ in case I need it for something important.” Nikki’s answer seems more of the right thing to do. However what one does with one million dollars is completely up to them.
            Like Nikki, many of the motivation to manage the money carefully. Timothy Schuler is a theater tech major here at School of the Arts. Tim said, “I would like to invest half and spend half, that’s all.” It was nice to see Tim have his mind made up about it. He clearly thinks the decision is an obvious one and what he plans to do is the right thing.
            Recently, the lottery reached fifty million in the Mega Millions jackpot. However, students have to wait two or three years to buy a lottery ticket, as the legal age to buy a ticket is 18.  If a student were to actually win one million dollars, it seems likely it would be from the lottery.
            As for opinions, everyone’s differs. Some prefer to keep it to themselves, others to keep some for them, and donate the rest, and others to donate all of it, or keep it for a later time. Although many of the opinions are different, they matter all the same because one million dollars is a lot and what they do with it will impact their lives in some manner.

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